Welcome to the Village of Kaleva

Welcome to the Village of Kaleva, the heart of Manistee County, is located just 10 miles from the shores of Lake Michigan. The Village of Kaleva was incorporated in 1900 by Finnish immigrants, and was named after the epic poem - "The Kalevala".
The Village of Kaleva is recognized as a historic Finnish community in Northwest Michigan offering a growing economy and affordable living in a clean and safe environment in the heart of Manistee County.
We have many businesses, historical sites, local events and unique character that draw residents and tourists alike.
Check out more about the Village of Kaleva and learn why we are the heart of Manistee County.

Did you know you can now pay your taxes, water bills and park fees online. Click Here for more info

NOTICE - Master Plan for Village of Kaleva and Maple Grove Township
Clicking on Master Plan opens a PDF, please note this is a large document. We have copies at the community center if you want to see a printed copy.
Trailhead & Restroom Facility Community Input
Our office is at the Maple Grove Township Community Center on Monday, Thursday and Fridays from 10am-2pm.
For more information about the history of Kaleva and historical site in our area, visit the Kaleva Historical Society.
Click to enlarge location map

Click to enlarge location map